Saturday, November 10, 2012

Can NLP change your spouse?

Wouldn't it be great if one could use NLP to change one's partner or spouse to be more like how one would like them to be.  That would be awesome.  I believe I may have found the way.   May I share with you an experiment I conducted between my spouse and I?             Great!

NLP teaches one to take complete responsibility for every moment of one's life.  When changes in relationships are needed, the one to change is one's self.  Some will be familiar with this advice.  However, rarely is the method for change passed along with the advice. I learned in NLP how to visualize change in myself.  So I decided to pick something that my spouse doesn't do much and I would like to see more.  We have discussed this action, but due to personal past life experiences, she finds difficultly with the request.   I have been patience over the years, but have noticed myself growing resentful .  This is certainly something she needs to change, right?  Wrong!  I decided to experiment in the NLP life changing technique.  As often as I could, I began to visualize my spouse doing the things she was reluctant to do.  I slowly began to feel better and more positive.  In time, Gone was the resentment and in its place was a positive loving feeling.  I began to notice the subtle times when she did the things I wanted but never noticed through my resentment.  I acknowledged those attempts which encouraged her to do more and then more.

Bottom line the change process started with me visualizing what I wanted. (That part was really pleasant and enjoyable)  With that, I became more positive and loving.  My spouse  picking up on my change began to feel  more positive and loving in return.
The most difficult part of this experiment was starting with me.  It is not always easy to start with one's self. 
I am excited to use the same process with other relationships like those difficult ones in the work place and note the changes there.

Has anyone tried this or something similar?  I would love to hear your experience.
First time hearing this, try it out and let me know how it goes.