Friday, May 31, 2013

Technique for living a Peace filled life

I have been the anxiety king for most of my life.  This short process has helped remove anxiety and fill my life with peace and joy.
Positive thinking short version:
When you feel anxiety regarding anything, it is basically a fear of some future event not turning out as you would like.  The what if’s.
Solution: be grateful for what you have now and only think about what you want.
Here is how:  the grateful part is easy. Be thankful for where you are now.  Find the silver lining, the lessons learned, the fact you are still alive, for friends, basics of life, etc.  Ya ok, this can be harder than it sounds.  No, it is sometimes really hard, but it is a necessary step.  You can never get what you want until you are thankful for what you have.  It is a universal law, a fact of life, just like gravity.
What you want?  Exactly!  What do you want?  What does it look like, feel like, taste like, sound like.  Envision what you want like it is a picture or video with full color and sound, see what you see, hear what you hear, and feel what you feel.  How does that picture or video make you feel?  Absorb that feeling into your body, wrap up in it.
Now when any thought that is contrary to that image, video , feeling, etc comes to you, say “STOP” out loud or to yourself and instantly think of the picture or play the video.  Get inside that picture, video and/or feeling and see it, feel it, hear it.  Take a deep breath, breath it into your soul.  That is what you want, claim it! You deserve it.  It is yours. 
Feel better?
Repeat as necessary.
In the beginning, the process may take a few minutes.  After some practice, this process will be quick.
This process can be done for every area of your life where there is fear, depression, conflict, anything.
Let me know how this technique has worked for you.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Reiki at San Luis Obispo Veteran Stand Down 2013

By Art the Reiki Guy - Light Heart Reiki
Reiki was offered at the San Luis Obispo Veterans Stand Down this last Sunday by local Reiki practitioners and myself.  Its focus was to help the homeless and unemployed veterans however all veterans were welcome. The event lasted for 24 hours starting at 4pm Saturday ending at 4pm on Sunday.  Sunday was the day for providers to set up booths and help all participating veterans.  Light Heart Reiki had a booth for the event to introduce Reiki and energy healing to all interested veterans.  I had with me 2 Reiki practitioners all day and 3 others for a couple of hours in the morning.  Since we were told some 50 plus veterans were sleeping over and would be out and about first thing, I thought the morning was going to be the busiest. This was not the case.  Morning was very slow.  We gave Reiki to 4 veterans from 9 am to noon.   Then one of the organizers of the event decided to try Reiki.  He said he needed some stress relief.  He was so impressed with how Reiki helped his stress that  he told his staff and participating veterans. Next, He was escorting individuals to our booth.  The word was out and inhibitions be gone.  We got busy and it didn't let up. 
At the end of the day we were the last booth to fold up due to the continuing flow of recipients.  We served 22 people in all.  Each person received about 15 to 20 minutes of Reiki in a chair.  The entire process from the intro to Reiki and how it works, the receiving of Reiki, then the orientation back to present time with Q & A took about 30 min per person. Some of the recipients needed to heal by telling their story.  We would send "hands off" Reiki as they talked, then with their permission, begin the session. Most of our recipients had never heard of Reiki or energy healing and so this was completely new to them.  Introducing Reiki to those that have given so much of their lives to protecting our way of life and to reconnect them with their Source (Universal Life Energy -God) was an awesome experience.
Watching a person accepting Reiki for the first time, to see their progression from skeptic to acceptance is simply sublime. At first their hands were closed in their lap, open to healing but cautious. Slowly the hands begin to relax and open.  The facial expression softens and by the end of the session, the hands are open to receive God's healing with a beaming face.  Time and time again we witnessed that progression.  Several of the recipients would just sit after the Reiki sessions, eyes closed, hands open, face beaming with joy, soaking it all in, not wanting the experience to end.  How do you describe to another the feeling we all received being a part of reconnecting another to their Source.  A few words come to mind: Magical, Blissful, Exhilarating, Sublime Humble.  It is all of these and more.  Sending that much Reiki, being connected to source and watching Reiki work in so many lives gave all the practitioners a deep feeling of bliss that lasted for several days
There are so many people in this world starving to connect to Source through energy healing, and meditation. They want to connect or reconnect to God but they do not know the way. Several expressed the desire to practice meditation but didn't know how.  I helped them get started with meditation and offered some quick tips. The day's event inspired me to put together a short class on meditation to offer to veterans and others hungry to connect to Source.
Thank you my Lord for this awesome day, to be a conduit of Your Love and Healing Light and I am looking forward to being a part of any event where I can help people reconnect and heal.

Art the Reiki Guy

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reiki Circle- Paso Robles Vet's Center- 16 April 2013

Hello Reiki Lovers,  This coming Tuesday, 16 April, is the Reiki Circle at the Paso Robles Veteran Center located at 240 Scotts Street (cross street, Creston Road). We start the session at 5:30 pm with a short meditation, then hands on Reiki, ending with a closing meditation and sharing around 7 pm.  Reiki creates a healing experience at the deepest level to balance our energy, reduces stress and produce a profoundly deep state of relaxation.  Now, who could use more relaxation in their daily lives?  This is a free event, open to everyone. Bring a friend!
Art the Reiki Guy

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cleasing the Aura during a shower

This morning I awoke feeling tired and blah.  you  know the feeling when you just want to do nothing. I went to bed early enough and had a good night sleep so why do I feel this way?  A thought came over me that I needed to cleanse my aura, perhaps I need to dispense a buildup of negative energy.  I was home from work this morning to transport my wife to a medical procedure so I had no time for anything lengthy.  So just have to deal with the low energy feeling till I can cleanse my aura properly., I thought.  I got into the shower and immediately my attention was drawn to the shower head and the flow of the water. I thought, why not place the Reiki power symbol over the water and use it to cleanse my aura.  So that is what I did and it worked great.  After placing the power sign over the water, I visualized the water as light cleansing my aura and washing all the negative energy into the earth via the shower drain.  My energy was restored and I felt great.  If you are not attuned to Reiki, visualizing the water as light cleansing your aura and washing all the negative energy into the earth via the shower drain.   This worked so great, I wondered if I discovered something new that others needed to know.  I don't know about the new discovery part but others may benefit from my experience.
This story showed me again that my Angels and Guides are always watching out for us and talking to us.  This inspiration came to me through them.  They are always with me and you, always.  Thank you my Angels and Guides, Thank you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Goal Co Creation

Happy New Year!

 In this New Year's Blog, I want to share with you a tweet from Rev. Anne Presuel's tweet.  She shared a New Year ritual for co-creation with the Divine.  I have come to realize that New Year resolutions are worthless.  Instead, co create your goals with the Divine.  Below is her process.  I created my goals this morning,  I then created affirmation for each goal.  I will each morning send Reiki (or prayerful intent for non Reiki practitioners) to each goals and affirmation asking for the Divine's help.   Remember  In all things, be grateful. 

Thank you Rev. Anne Presuel @RevAnne1 for the post and beautiful New Years ritual.

Anne's sacred New Year's Eve Divine Co-Creation ritual:

It's New Year's Eve!  For many, it's an evening of celebration and fun.  All across the world, we gather together with friends and family and enjoy one another.  We celebrate the year that has completed and we dream of a new and better year to come.

For the past 20 years, I've been participating in a sacred New Year's Eve Divine Co-Creation ritual that I want to share with you.  (This is the gift I was talking about.)

Here's how it goes:

1)  Light a favorite candle.

2)  Put on some soft, inspiring music.

3)  Get your journal and a favorite pen. 

4)  Get comfortable in a favorite chair, a corner of your sofa, or snuggle up in bed - wherever you feel most inspired and happy (and can write easily).

5)  Get grounded and present.  Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. 

6)  Ask yourself this question: 

What is it I wish to create in my business and my life in 2013?

7)  Begin to write what comes to you.  Break it down into categories (choose from the following or create your own):

a)  My Business;
b)  My Relationships;
c)  My Spirituality
d)  My Health;
e)  My Finances;
f)   My Home;
g)  My Community;
h)  My Enjoyment;
i)   My Daily Life;
j)   Whatever else you can think of that's left.

I have found that every year, as I look back at what I wrote the year before, many (and sometimes all!) of my intentions have come into manifestation (and often in very interesting ways).

Here are a couple of suggestions to help you as you do this:

  • Be patient; this takes time - both to write them down and to see them manifest.
  • Get specific.  If you want a great new relationship, what does that look like?  Who is this person? The clearer you are, the easier it is for the Divine to bring it to you.
  • Say "This or something better" to leave room for the Divine to bring to you that which is perfect for you.
  • Say "Thank You" to the Divine when you have finished. 
  • Feel the gratitude for where you are in your life right now, and recognize and acknowledge the myriad ways in which you are always being provided.

One last tip: 

Use a specific journal  

Be sure it's something special - not a spiral-bound notebook with college-ruled white paper... you know what I mean?

By doing this you dedicate your intention-setting and hold it to be sacred by treating it with honor.

Think of it this way:  when you do this, you are sending a message to the Divine that this is very important. 

And it's alot of fun to look back at previous years' intention-setting exercises and see how you have grown both in your consciousness and in your ability to bring your intentions into being.

 Enjoy doing this exercise.  Co-creation with the Divine is lots of fun, so play with it!

And... may you have a very beautiful, very blessed 2013!

Hugs, Anne