Sunday, April 13, 2014

Be a Light unto Yourself-Buddha

Osho Zen Tarot

I drew this card "Aloneness" from the Osho Zen Tarot, yesterday and it was spot on for the way I was feeling.  I have found the Osho Zen Tarot to be profound in its ability to speak to my spirit and show me a deeper connection to God.  This, as I share with you today, is a perfect example.  The reading for the card speaks of being a light unto yourself, which lends me to believe that we are to be an island.  That we can draw strength from ourselves and be self sustaining?  In a way, YES.  Our light, our strength shouldn't come from others or from a relationship; it does come from God.  The Light is from God, it is His energy that is all around, everywhere, and in everything that supports and give us strength.  It is our responsibility to replenish this light from the Source.  There is never a shortage and it is never rationed.   Remember You are never alone!
If you are looking for a quick way to replenish your Light, see my previous blog titled, "Quick Grounding Meditation"
Art the Reiki Guy