Sunday, September 2, 2012

NLP Metaphor: The Dance

Following is a story I wrote for the Metaphor exercise at the NLP training:
There was once a beautiful woman who loved to dance.  Everyone she danced for was deeply touched by her dance.  You see this woman had the ability to connect to her soul, so when she danced she projected healing energy that touched and healed everyone each at their own level.  The only people who could experience her gift of dance, however was family and friends.  The woman didn’t know for sure if she could succeed on the road with her dance.  She wanted so badly to take her dance on the road, to dance for everyone, to heal all those who experienced her dance.  You know the woman had all the resources she needed to succeed all ready; she just needed to trust her inner voice.  Finally, she took her dance on the road; she knew it was time.  At her first dance .the woman relaxed and danced with her soul just as she has always danced.  The audience became entranced with the beauty and message of her dance.  Everyone was touched and healed each according to their highest good.  The level of healing received by each person was so profound; every one told their friends and family.  Soon the woman had more dance bookings then she could fulfill.  She was more than compensated for her worth and she was so happy.  For the woman followed her life path and was destined to succeed.  The woman lived out her years happy and successful touching and healing all with her dance.
The End


  1. How did the NLP Detailed instruction guide? I seasoned modifying nlp training courses a problem just by altering my response to it.

  2. Muhammad, not quite sure of your question. Could you restate it?
