Saturday, November 10, 2012
Can NLP change your spouse?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The pic is now on my phone wallpaper as a reminder of the peace God wants for me.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
NLP Metaphor: The Dance
Friday, August 24, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Empowerment Accelerated Scholarship NLP Day 1
Monday, July 30, 2012
Dr Wayne Dyer fav affrimation
This is my favorite affirmation when I feel stuck or out of sorts. I encourage you to print or jot down this...
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
My EFT Weight loss session
Monday, July 16, 2012
Reiki for Veterans
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Meeting with Veterans Board of Trustees
Monday, May 21, 2012
Behavioral health fair supports Fort Hood Soldiers, families
More than thirty different services and organizations from on- and off-post came together at the Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center Behavioral Health Fair to put out a unified message that help and support are available to Soldiers and their families.
Follow the link above for the complete article.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Byosen Scanning
I was experiencing the effects of byosen but was oblivious to the signals until I found this article by Frank Arjava Petter / www.reikidkarma,com
As Reiki was taught in the beginning, I believe, Byosen Scanning should be taught from the start of ones Reiki journey. It will improve the Reiki experience for the client and answer many of the practitioners questions of the signals the practitioner is experiencing.
Please enjoy this article as I have.
Thank you Frank Petter.
Article Byosen Scanning Technique
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Open House at the Green Lotus Energy Center Morro Bay, CA
I attended the Green Lotus Energy Center’s open house yesterday and had a great time. I finally was able to meet Curtis Williams, a Professional Astrologer and Reiki Practitioner, who I follow on Twitter and Linkedin for some time now. He is a wonderful man and mentor. Curtis will be teaching classes at the center on Astrology and Shamanism. I was also happy to meet up again with Ann. I met Ann at a previous Reiki Class and a couple of circles afterwards but then our paths separated. I learned from Ann that she is a talented Massage Therapist in many different massage styles and she was demonstrating her talents at the opening. I was happy to get her contact information so she can join our monthly Reiki Practitioners share.
The highlight of the opening for me was the Crystal Singing Bowl healing/ balancing session. I wish I got the name of the man that presented the session. The room has a wooden floor which carried the vibration from the bowls giving everyone present an awesome experience. I listen to singing bowl music during meditation but there is no comparison for a live presentation. The music may give you the sound, but when in person you receive both the sound and the vibration. I left the center filled with joy, centered and balanced. I am so excited to have a healing center located on the central coast.
I didn’t get a chance to meet all the therapists and instructors at the center. Check out the website below for all the center has to offer to include the instructors and their bio’s.
The Green Lotus Energy Center is located in Morro Bay, CA.
There website is:
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Quick Grounding Meditation
This meditation is a quick grounding meditation that I have pulled and improvised from many sources. I practice this almost daily. It is great to use first thing in the morning or anytime a pick up is needed.
I like to do it standing up but sitting will work as well. Leave out any physical part that causing pain. It is the visualization that is most important.
Stand with your feet shoulder width a part. Stretch out your arms horizontal to the floor and then raise your hands to the sky bringing the palms of your hands together. Lightly stretch. Then bring your hands and arms down to your chest into prayer poise with your thumbs touching your sternum
Now visualize roots are growing out of your feet penetrating deep into the center of the earth. With your connection strong and deep into the earth, discharge all your negative energy, feelings, etc down your roots deep into the earth. I like to put a picture to it like a dark fog or mist and watch it flow down the roots into the earth. I also will often take my palms parallel to the ground with my arms straight along my sides and with intention; send these emotions into the ground as if they are being dispelled from the palms of my hands. Use a visitation that works for you. The point is to discharge all the lower energy into the ground. Thank God for removing all this lower energy from you. If you are having problems visualizing this or sending it to ground, ask God and or your angels to help you.
With the lower energy gone, and hands into prayer poise, we want to replace it with the loving healing Light of God. Ask God to fill you with his light. Visualize the white and golden light of God as it comes into your body from your roots starting at your feet and filling upwards and from your crown downwards meeting at your heart, swirling and mixing, growing and filling you completely. Your body is so completely filled with light now, the light is now expanding from your body and rays of light are shining forth filling the room, now watch as the light fills your house, the neighborhood the world. Ask God now to be his light in the world and for other positive virtue (s) you want to have. I typically ask to be God’s light and healer in the world. Thank God for his loving, healing light. Be grateful for everything.
You should be feeling great. full of love and energy. If you have more time this is a great launching pad into sending your love ones God’s Love and Healing Energy or if you have more time, meditation or prayer time
This whole routine takes me less than five minutes.
Try it out and let me know your results.
Love and light