Saturday, November 10, 2012

Can NLP change your spouse?

Wouldn't it be great if one could use NLP to change one's partner or spouse to be more like how one would like them to be.  That would be awesome.  I believe I may have found the way.   May I share with you an experiment I conducted between my spouse and I?             Great!

NLP teaches one to take complete responsibility for every moment of one's life.  When changes in relationships are needed, the one to change is one's self.  Some will be familiar with this advice.  However, rarely is the method for change passed along with the advice. I learned in NLP how to visualize change in myself.  So I decided to pick something that my spouse doesn't do much and I would like to see more.  We have discussed this action, but due to personal past life experiences, she finds difficultly with the request.   I have been patience over the years, but have noticed myself growing resentful .  This is certainly something she needs to change, right?  Wrong!  I decided to experiment in the NLP life changing technique.  As often as I could, I began to visualize my spouse doing the things she was reluctant to do.  I slowly began to feel better and more positive.  In time, Gone was the resentment and in its place was a positive loving feeling.  I began to notice the subtle times when she did the things I wanted but never noticed through my resentment.  I acknowledged those attempts which encouraged her to do more and then more.

Bottom line the change process started with me visualizing what I wanted. (That part was really pleasant and enjoyable)  With that, I became more positive and loving.  My spouse  picking up on my change began to feel  more positive and loving in return.
The most difficult part of this experiment was starting with me.  It is not always easy to start with one's self. 
I am excited to use the same process with other relationships like those difficult ones in the work place and note the changes there.

Has anyone tried this or something similar?  I would love to hear your experience.
First time hearing this, try it out and let me know how it goes.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

May I share a moving experience I had while sitting at Moonstone Beach today. As I sat on a rock looking out to the sea, taking in all of God's beauty, I was given a message very timely for me. "be at peace in me always" This is something I hear often but find so very hard to do. When I asked God to give me the how, He gave me this affirmation. "Every moment of every day I am at peace in God, more and more".
The pic is now on my phone wallpaper as a reminder of the peace God wants for me.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

NLP Metaphor: The Dance

Following is a story I wrote for the Metaphor exercise at the NLP training:
There was once a beautiful woman who loved to dance.  Everyone she danced for was deeply touched by her dance.  You see this woman had the ability to connect to her soul, so when she danced she projected healing energy that touched and healed everyone each at their own level.  The only people who could experience her gift of dance, however was family and friends.  The woman didn’t know for sure if she could succeed on the road with her dance.  She wanted so badly to take her dance on the road, to dance for everyone, to heal all those who experienced her dance.  You know the woman had all the resources she needed to succeed all ready; she just needed to trust her inner voice.  Finally, she took her dance on the road; she knew it was time.  At her first dance .the woman relaxed and danced with her soul just as she has always danced.  The audience became entranced with the beauty and message of her dance.  Everyone was touched and healed each according to their highest good.  The level of healing received by each person was so profound; every one told their friends and family.  Soon the woman had more dance bookings then she could fulfill.  She was more than compensated for her worth and she was so happy.  For the woman followed her life path and was destined to succeed.  The woman lived out her years happy and successful touching and healing all with her dance.
The End

Friday, August 24, 2012

NLP Day 2

I am so exhausted from the training all meaningful comment will have to wait.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Empowerment Accelerated Scholarship NLP Day 1

I have finished day one of the Accelerated Scholarship NLP practitioner certification training conducted by Dr. Matt James.  It has been an awesome day.  So much information was presented with crystal clear and precise instruction. Dr. Matt James is truly a gifted instructor.  During the “goals” instruction we were involved in an exercise to demonstrate how words, as in questions, can change one’s picture of the goal outcome.  One of my goals for becoming an NLP Practitioner is to learn to use NLP to achieve a 35 inch waist.  You might have read my experience with EFT (tapping) with the same goal.  EFT has completely removed the anxiety and frustration I had with my inability to lose waist size but hasn’t help with the losing part.  In all fairness to EFT, if I had continued with EFT sessions, that could have been resolved.  So back to the training; while I was being asked standard questions regarding my goal, one question hit me as a possible issue for my failure to lose my waist size.  I have the wrong reason.  The reason I have chosen to lose my waist size I am not truly committed too.  My conscious and unconscious mind is in conflict.  Since we learned today that the unconscious mind controls 95% of the behavior, it overrides whatever you are consciously thinking. The conscious and the unconscious mind must be aligned for a successful outcome.  Hence, that is my failure to lose my waist size.  But really it isn’t a real failure, I have just learned how not to lose waist size; learned that reasoning today as well.  So with my new found NLP guide to goal setting, I will go through the keys to achievable outcomes guide and set my goal for my new waist size with a purpose I am committed to Mind, Body and Soul/ Higher Self, Conscious and Unconscious mind.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Dr Wayne Dyer fav affrimation

This is my favorite affirmation when I feel stuck or out of sorts. I encourage you to print or jot down this...

Monday, July 23, 2012


Where can perserverance get you? Anywhere you want to go. Keep up the great work!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My EFT Weight loss session

I have been struggling with weight loss, really more specifically inches on my waist, for almost a year.  I have been working out, eating healthy, and even taking the Dr. OZ belly fat buster herbals with no results.  It doesn’t make any sense.  My inability to lose the inches I need off my waist has created much anxiety and frustration.  To add to my anxiety and frustration is this little Air Force fitness waist size requirement of 39 inches or less.  These extra two inches will not go away. If I am unable to rid myself of them, I will be removed from the AF.  With only four more years left to retirement, this is not a happy thought.
With the physical requirements of diet and exercise being maintained with no results, what else could be contributing to freezing my waist size at 41 inches?  I started looking into an energy component-Past trauma, limiting belief, etc. I began sending Reiki to my waist goal and repeating positive affirmations, nothing worked.
My friend Janet Hilts, an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner, (EFT) agreed to work with me yesterday afternoon. 
WOW!  In a short 1-1/2 hour session, I am a different man.
Janet with EFT unlocked and untangled several subconscious connections and limiting beliefs that have been holding me back.  There were thoughts, that I was pushing deeper and deeper down not allow them to be heard, that once out and acknowledged were a tremendous relief.  When I started, I had a frustration level of 8 out of 10.  At the end of the session it was zero.  I am at peace and I know I will be able to shed these inches. 
It is too early to tell you if the session has worked to free me of my extra inches, but regardless of whether I do or not I am free of the frustration and anxiety connected with it.  I am free of the connections to the consequences of losing the inches.  I am free to lose the inches or keep them, the choice is mine and I will love and accept myself either way. 
EFT as strange and mysterious as it is, WORKS.  Janet you made a believer out of me.
May God bless you and your work.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Reiki for Veterans

Paso Robles Veterans Hall has offered us a spot for Reiki sessions.
So excited to be serving veterans Reiki the third Tuesday of each month from 5:30 PM to 7 PM starting this August 21st

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meeting with Veterans Board of Trustees

Today met with the Board of Trustee's for the Paso Robles Veterans hall to gain permission to establish a Reiki Share for Veterans. My presentation was received well and I believe we will be offering Reiki to veterans soon. Very excited!  I want to help veterans with Reiki for I know it will help them.  It hasn't been easy to get in. I know as veterans experience Reiki it will spread simply by word of mouth.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Behavioral health fair supports Fort Hood Soldiers, families

FORT HOOD (May 16, 2012) --
More than thirty different services and organizations from on- and off-post came together at the Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center Behavioral Health Fair to put out a unified message that help and support are available to Soldiers and their families.
Follow the link above for the complete article.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Byosen Scanning

Byosen Scanning
I was experiencing the effects of byosen but was oblivious to the signals until I found this article by Frank Arjava Petter / www.reikidkarma,com
As Reiki was taught in the beginning, I believe, Byosen Scanning should be taught from the start of ones Reiki journey.  It will improve the Reiki experience for the client and answer many of the practitioners questions of the signals the practitioner is experiencing.
Please enjoy this article as I have.
Thank you Frank Petter.

Article Byosen Scanning Technique

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Open House at the Green Lotus Energy Center Morro Bay, CA

I attended the Green Lotus Energy Center’s open house yesterday and had a great time. I finally was able to meet Curtis Williams, a Professional Astrologer and Reiki Practitioner, who I follow on Twitter and Linkedin for some time now. He is a wonderful man and mentor. Curtis will be teaching classes at the center on Astrology and Shamanism. I was also happy to meet up again with Ann. I met Ann at a previous Reiki Class and a couple of circles afterwards but then our paths separated. I learned from Ann that she is a talented Massage Therapist in many different massage styles and she was demonstrating her talents at the opening. I was happy to get her contact information so she can join our monthly Reiki Practitioners share.

The highlight of the opening for me was the Crystal Singing Bowl healing/ balancing session. I wish I got the name of the man that presented the session. The room has a wooden floor which carried the vibration from the bowls giving everyone present an awesome experience. I listen to singing bowl music during meditation but there is no comparison for a live presentation. The music may give you the sound, but when in person you receive both the sound and the vibration. I left the center filled with joy, centered and balanced. I am so excited to have a healing center located on the central coast.

I didn’t get a chance to meet all the therapists and instructors at the center. Check out the website below for all the center has to offer to include the instructors and their bio’s.

The Green Lotus Energy Center is located in Morro Bay, CA.

There website is:

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quick Grounding Meditation

This meditation is a quick grounding meditation that I have pulled and improvised from many sources. I practice this almost daily. It is great to use first thing in the morning or anytime a pick up is needed.

I like to do it standing up but sitting will work as well. Leave out any physical part that causing pain. It is the visualization that is most important.

Stand with your feet shoulder width a part. Stretch out your arms horizontal to the floor and then raise your hands to the sky bringing the palms of your hands together. Lightly stretch. Then bring your hands and arms down to your chest into prayer poise with your thumbs touching your sternum

Now visualize roots are growing out of your feet penetrating deep into the center of the earth. With your connection strong and deep into the earth, discharge all your negative energy, feelings, etc down your roots deep into the earth. I like to put a picture to it like a dark fog or mist and watch it flow down the roots into the earth. I also will often take my palms parallel to the ground with my arms straight along my sides and with intention; send these emotions into the ground as if they are being dispelled from the palms of my hands. Use a visitation that works for you. The point is to discharge all the lower energy into the ground. Thank God for removing all this lower energy from you. If you are having problems visualizing this or sending it to ground, ask God and or your angels to help you.

With the lower energy gone, and hands into prayer poise, we want to replace it with the loving healing Light of God. Ask God to fill you with his light. Visualize the white and golden light of God as it comes into your body from your roots starting at your feet and filling upwards and from your crown downwards meeting at your heart, swirling and mixing, growing and filling you completely. Your body is so completely filled with light now, the light is now expanding from your body and rays of light are shining forth filling the room, now watch as the light fills your house, the neighborhood the world. Ask God now to be his light in the world and for other positive virtue (s) you want to have. I typically ask to be God’s light and healer in the world. Thank God for his loving, healing light. Be grateful for everything.

You should be feeling great. full of love and energy. If you have more time this is a great launching pad into sending your love ones God’s Love and Healing Energy or if you have more time, meditation or prayer time

This whole routine takes me less than five minutes.

Try it out and let me know your results.

Love and light

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bless your Angels and Guides This Valentines Day

On this day, Valentines Day, we rightly remember our love ones with greeting of love and gifts. Lets not forget our love ones from the spirititual realm. Bless your Angels, Guardian Angels and Guides with your love.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My New Blog Site

This blog site is in it beginning stages.
I am a Reiki Master feeling led by my angel guides to share their healing with all. It started yesterday when I was led to start a tweet account. Something I have never been interested in pursuing. Then that led to starting this blog. Over the next few weeks, I will be developing my blog site. Be patient as I have little experience with blogging and even less with creating a site.
However, my angel guides have never led me into anything and left me out to dry; so, I trust them to guide me with the creation of this site for the benefit of all.
Healing Light and Love,

Art, the Reiki Guy

Just for Today - Dr. Mikao Usui

The Reiki Principles:
Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings
Just for today I will not worry
Just for today I will not be angry
Just for today I will do my work honestly
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing